Archive for the ‘Secam the kitten’ Category
Secam is not doing too well
Sunday, November 23rd, 2008Where’s Mummy?
Thursday, November 20th, 2008Tuesday morning Secam woke to find his Mother, Charlotte, had been put in to a cage. She later left the house and when she came back she was very drowsy. Secam found out that Charlotte had gone away to have her stitches removed by the vet. However, Charlotte being the independant female she is, removed her own stitches before the vet had a chance.
Secam and Henry-the-Vacuum
Monday, November 17th, 2008This weekend Secam met a very strange and noisey creature called Henry-the-Vacuum. Henry has a great big smile and what appears to be a very large tail. Secam has not seen Henry before so did not know what to make of him at first. His Mother, brother and sister did not take to Henry and they all ran away as soon as Henry started to make a large screaching noise. Secam on the other hand hid under a chair and observed while Henry moved across the room hoovering up bits of left over cat food and litter. Unlike Henry, Secam does not eat cat litter - he uses that for other jobs! He doesn’t like left over cat food too much either.
Good friends
Friday, November 14th, 2008Meet brother Sam
Wednesday, November 12th, 2008This is Sam. Sam is one of Secams two brothers. Together Secam and Sam have been ‘learning through play’ or as it used to be known - fighting. Sam likes to dive bomb Secam especially when he’s not expecting it and so Secam is working on a get his own back plan which involves leaping on to Sam when he looks like he’s sleeping. All this fighting is good clean fun except when it isn’t. Secam makes no aplology for this as he undertsnds it’s all part of a kitten’s youth (just as long as no one gets hurt. Birds, plants and other objects excepted obviously).
Secam can climb up stairs
Saturday, November 8th, 2008After a couple of lonely nights Secam has worked out that the reason why his brother and sister are nowhere to be seen is that they are having lots of fun upstairs. Secam has not had much success climbing stairs in the past, he once got half way up but lost confidence and had to use his new miaow to call ‘help I’m a kitten get me out of here’. Like all kittens Secam believes there’s always something more interesting where he hasn’t been yet and so he has been brave and tried climbing up the stairs again. This time he made it all the way to the top! Now he just needs to work out how to get back down.
Friday, November 7th, 2008Secam has just seen his mother again after her ‘adventure’ at the vets. She is very sleepy and shows no interest in him. He’s been developing an attention seeking meoooowwwwwww so he hopes that this will get him noticed again. In the meantime he’s going back to sleep.
‘done’ tomorrow
Tuesday, November 4th, 2008Secam is apprehensive for his mother Charlotte. She is going to the vet tomorrow to be ‘done’. He doesn’t know what this means but he’s been told she can’t eat for at least 12 hours beforehand. Poor Charlotte.
Secam is tired
Saturday, November 1st, 2008Secam is tired. He’s just come back from a trip to the vet where he was given an injection, a small worming tablet (which he thinks is doing strange things to his insides at the moment) and a nice man checked his testicles. He’s not sure what he did to deserve such treatment but he’s been told he may get to go out and see the ‘big wide world’ sometime in the future. He hope there will be food when he gets there.